Tracking code’s parameters

Tracking code’s parameters

To track affiliates referred sales, you should insert your AffiliationSoftware tracking code on the thank you page of your website. In the tracking code there are some parameters that you can customize, let’s see what they are and how they work.

Affiliate Tracking Software

Admin panel > Settings (advanced) > Tracking
Order value

Enter the total amount of the sale, on which to calculate the percentage commissions. Use the dot as a decimal. If no percentage commissions are used, you can leave 1 (default) or 0 (if 0 be careful to enable “track 0 commissions”).

<img src="[OrderNum]&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />
Order ID

You can enter the ID or the number of the sale, this data will be visible in the transaction page. It can be used as a reference while validating the affiliates’ commissions.

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=order-1234&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

If defined, it allows you to force the tracking for a specific type of commission. Useful if the campaign has more commissions, for example per Sale and Lead.

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&t=s&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&t=l&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

If defined, it allows you to force the tracking for a specific commission segment, even if the affiliate is not applied. Useful if the campaign has more commissions or more products.

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&s=product2&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

You can deduct a fixed amount from the “Order value” amount, before the percentage commissions is calulated. For example, you can use “cost” to deduct the shipping cost.

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&cost=6.00&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

In the Business and Network versions of AffiliationSoftware it is possible to manage multiple campaigns, each with different commissions and settings. To track the commissions of a given campaign enter the ID in your tracking code.

<img src="[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&f=p" width="1" height="1" style="border:0" />

In the Business and Network versions of AffiliationSoftware it is possible to trackĀ  commissions via postback (server-side tracking). Postback is useful to track commissions from other networks, platforms or services’ API. To work it require the ClickID paramter, that you should pass via banner/link, and then get it back in your postback. Learn more[OrderTotal]&o=[OrderNum]&p=[CLICKID]

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