Homepage of the admin panel

Homepage of the admin panel

In the homepage of the admin panel you will find an overveiw of the statistics of your affiliate program. The homepage of the admin panel is divided into 4 sections.

Admin panel of AffiliationSoftware


Displayed at the top right, it show the totals of all the commissions generated by all your affiliates. “Pending” commissions should be verified, while “Approved” commissions are valid and will be paid. By clicking on the amount you can see all the related transactions.

Pending tasks

Show activities awaiting your approval: new registered affiliates, transactions to verify and payments to send. Click on a box to see the realated data. After selecting a row, click on the button at the bottom of the page to approve it or decline it.

Last 30 days

Show the chart with the statistics of the last 30 days of your affiliates. The statistics are divided by day. By clicking on the graph you can see date and amount. By clicking on the links above you can view different metrics, including: total commissions, number of conversions, clicks, affiliates and logins.

Statistics overview

The latest statistics are displayed here, showing traffic and sales generated by all of your affiliates. These statistics are grouped by period, and show a quick report of: today, yesterday, last 7 days, this month and last month.